Some Readings in Functional Neuroimaging
the Rochester MRI Web tutorial
- Perhaps the strongest on-line resource for understanding the physics of magnetic resonance imaging.
Rapid MR Imaging
- Somewhat dated - discusses the most common approaches to rapid imaging
EPI Theory
- The principles of echo planar imaging - a didactic chapter
Localization of Brain Function by Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Presents the principles of fMRI for the Neuroscientist
Convolution and Linear Systems
- Convolution is frequently used in fMRI data collection and analysis
Fourier Transforms
- ibid
Convolution and Deconvolution by Fourier Transform
- Fourier analysis and convolution share a deep inner structure
Let's Play PET
- A tutorial on the principles of Positron Emission Tomography
Some Textbook Suggestions
Functional MRI
- C. Moonen and P. Bandettini, Springer, 1999
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- S. Huettel, G. McCarthy and A. Song, Sinauer , 2004
An Introduction to Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
R. Buxton, Cambridge Press , 2002
Functional MRI: An Introduction to Methods
P Jezzard, PM Matthews, SM Smith, Oxford University Press, 2000
Handbook of Functional Neuroimaging of Cognition
R. Cabeza, A. Kingstone, (Editors), Bradford Books, 2001