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Image of the Day

The images that appear in the "Image of the Day" are selected for the freshness of their views on Brain Mapping, their esthetic appeal, their quirkiness, or someimes just to prod you into thinking about the field and its context. Their appearance here is not an endorsement of their subject matter.

Probability Density Volume for the Cerebellum

Novelty in the BrainMap database can be spotted using mathematical modeling of the activation foci. The novelty is detected as a discrepancy between the 3D coordinates and the anatomical label. The method finds a few entry errors in BrainMap together with a few errors in the original articles. The result is available as an automatic generated list of BrainMap outliers (Note the functional interface to the BrainMap database has been changed so the URL for the database does not work).

Technical:The mathematical modeling is based on probability density modeling using the Specht kernel density estimate (Parzen window) applied on the 3D Talairach space conditioned on the words and phrases of the anatomical label. Novelty detection is implemented by directly ranking the likelihood.

For more information on this image, visit: [ This Link ]

Submitted by: Mark Cohen

About the Image of the Day

The image of the day appears on the home page of Brainmapping.ORG and is selected automatically from among those submitted by our registered users. If you have a picture you would like to share that represents work or interest in brainmapping, simply use the form below to upload it.
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