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Pamela Douglas

1617 Glendon Ave #1

Los Angeles, 90024

310 4096130

Pamela Douglas's Website
Pamela Douglas
Pamela Douglas
NIH Biosketch
NSF Biosketch

mathematical modeling, parameter estimation, fMRI, EEG

Research interests include applying classical mathematical modeling and parameter estimation techniques to address problems in neuroscience. In one project, physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling is used to model the dynamics of manganese (Mn) in brain. Mn accumulates in the basal ganglia and causes neurotoxicity that results in a disease resembling Parkinson's disease. Another project involves applying machine learning to classification of brain states.

I sincerely apologize that we have a long-standing and unresolved problem that users are unable to modify the database contents using their logins and passwords. I hope that we can fix this problem soon. In the meantime, I will try to do this manually as best I can.

-- Mark Cohen

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